
June 16, 2011


Welcome to the first blog post of the UGA Social Work Alumni Forum. I'll use this forum to keep you updated on what's happening at the School of Social Work as well as what's going in the field. I also want to hear from you in this space! Please feel free to comment on our blog posts or send a message to me directly if you'd like me to address a specific topic.

As I get acclimated here at the School of Social Work, I want to get to know as many of our alums as possible. This sounds crazy, but I'd like to touch base with each of you! Whether it's by phone, e-mail, social media, over coffee or lunch or even at a conference, I want to the opportunity to develop a relationship with you.

Over the next few months, I'll be making a concerted effort to get your updated addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and social media addresses. Be sure to send update your information and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

I look forward to getting to know all of you and soon, I'll post a quick bio on my professional background. Until then, keep up the good work! Go Dawgs!


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