

The backbone of the UGA Social Work Alumni program is a corps of dedicated volunteers. Whether you give your time as a regional club officer, host an event in your home, or volunteer at an event, you are helping to extend and maintain the community. 

If you would like to get involved and support the UGA School of Social Work, click here to contact us.
Ready to apply for a volunteer position?

The UGA School of Social Work values alumni involvement. Your knowledge and expertise are a tremendous benefit the University of Georgia. Every alum who participates strengthens the UGA community. Join the many alumni across the country who are volunteering their talents and building experiences that are meaningful, rewarding and fun.

School may be out, but the UGA School of  Social Work still has more to give you—if you give a little back yourself. Put your pride in the university to good use by volunteering your time, energy and ideas to your alma mater. As an alumni volunteer you can: 
  • Mentor current students
  • Help plan an event
  • Lead a local/regional alumni group
  • Assist faculty/staff with alumni projects
  • Help coordinate community service projects
Alumni who volunteer help not only others, but themselves, through stronger personal and professional networks, resumé-building and life-enhancing experiences, and tons of satisfaction from promoting the success of the UGA School of Social Work and its students. The opportunities featured here are just the tip of the iceberg—contact us to find out about the many more opportunities available.