

Check out our UGA Social Work Alumni Video Channel on Youtube. Here, you'll find the latest videos highlighting our faculty, staff, alumni and friends. If you have online videos of yourself or a UGA classmate in action at work, feel free to send us a link at hwaters@uga.edu. We want to show the world what a great job our Social Work alums are doing!

Coming soon! Check out our collection of audio and video podcasts. Here you'll find interviews, lectures and conversations on topics affecting our faculty, staff, alumni and friends.

Below, you'll find a collection of photos of our alumni, faculty, staff and friends on Flickr. Here, you'll find the latest videos highlighting our faculty, staff, alumni and friends. If you have photos of yourself, your classmates or friends of the School of Social Work, please to send them us at hwaters@uga.edu. We want to share with everyone!

Here, you'll find current and past issues of  Social Work, our annual alumni magazine. This magazines features compelling stories and photos on our outreach, research and success stories related to faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the University of Georgia School of Social Work.

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Here, you'll find a collection of press releases concerning the University of Georgia School of Social Work and it's faculty, staff, alumni and friends.